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P3's Summer 2023 Write-on-Site

Are you currently working on a writing project?

Could you benefit from an hour or more of focused, uninterrupted WRITING TIME?

The P3 Collaboratory invites you to join other faculty colleagues for a day of focused, uninterrupted writing at the RU-N “Write-On-Site!”

This summer's gathering of the RU-N Write-on-Site will be on Tuesday, July 25, from 10am to 3pm, in Dana Library, Room 320. Breakfast and lunch will be provided!

Faculty, fellows, and graduate students from all disciplines who are working on academic writing projects (whether fellowship or grant applications, articles/essays, book projects, edited volumes, research reports, fiction/nonfiction) are welcome to attend!

Bring whatever you need to write, and we'll provide a quiet room and coffee to keep you going.



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