With the President's infrastructure plan in the news, and financial regulatory measures coming again to the forefront, it's more important than ever that we consider efficient access to capital as among the primary means of alleviating (or abolishing) poverty. In her work, Rutgers Law School Professor Yuliya Guseva researches how to ensure market integrity and efficiency in the world of global finance and economic development.
Professor Guseva is a member of the Rutgers Center for Corporate Law and Governance, where she serves as the Head of the Fintech and Blockchain Research Program. Her most recent article, A Conceptual Framework for Digital-Asset Securities: Tokens and Coins as Debt and Equity (2021) explores how cryptoassets, like Bitcoin, might best be understood within existing frameworks for securities regulation.
Q. How does your research inform your teaching and service at the university?
A. My teaching and research are always entwined. In my work, I aim to address how U.S. and international regulators can detect fraud and protect investors and consumers and, at the same time, support promising and efficient market developments. I mainly teach Securities and Market Regulation, Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis, and Financial Regulation and Innovations. In 2021, I co-taught the Financial Regulation and Innovations course with Professor Merav Ozair of Rutgers Business School. We introduced our students to the exciting global world of financial innovation. Several guest speakers from the US and other countries, including the UK and Singapore, shared their experience and ideas with the students in that course.
Q. How does this work advance the university's mission as a publicly-engaged anchor institution?
A. I am deeply honored to be part of our vibrant academic community. Rutgers is a truly special place! Through my conversations with our alumni, I have come to realize how important it is that our graduates bring not only their knowledge and expertise in law but also the spirit and values of Rutgers to their work with regulators, courts, and law firms. On the one hand, innovations hold great promise. New technologies can give better access to financial services to the communities that have been traditionally underserved by legacy banking institutions. Technologies such as blockchain can also improve access to capital for many entrepreneurs and start-ups. Ultimately, financial technologies help raise people out of poverty and promote socioeconomic equality. On the other hand, innovative products may be used to commit fraud, which makes investor and consumer protection concerns paramount in our society.