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Dissertation Bootcamp


Dissertation Bootcamp is a four-day on-campus intensive writing workshop for advanced PhD candidates hosted during the fall and spring semesters.


Eligibility & Expectations: While preference will be given to Rutgers University-Newark advanced PhD candidates, students working on dissertation  proposals and masters theses, faculty, postdoc fellows, and administrators/staff are all welcome to apply. 


  • The writing workshops take place in August (fall) and March (spring).

  • The call for applications will open approximately 2-months prior.

  • Our team will announce the call for applications via our Rutgers listserve. The information will also be available on our website.

To request accommodations for a P3 event, contact our team at: 973-353-2880 (voice) or email at  Rutgers University strives for our campus experiences to be universally designed and useable by all people to the extent possible. Requests can be responded to most effectively if received as far in advance of the event as possible, preferably at least 10 days.

Write-On-Site (Fall)

Faculty and graduate students are invited to join us on for Write-On-Site.


Registration is not required.  Drop-In at anytime using this link


All Write-On-Site sessions will be delivered virtually in 2020 on selected Wednesdays & Thursdays, 1-4pm


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