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Highlights from the 2023 Anchoring Higher Education Conference

The P3 Collaboratory hosted its second biennial Anchoring Higher Ed conference, on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at Rutgers University - Newark!


This year's theme, "Recovery and Resilience in the Post-Pandemic Classroom," explored how high-impact pedagogical practices, a commitment to social emotional learning and an ethics of care, tech advances and collaborations, and student research breakthroughs have the potential to radically change student outcomes. Our lunchtime keynote speaker will be Dr. Cia Verschelden, educational expert and author of Bandwidth Recovery: Helping Students Reclaim Cognitive Resources Lost to Poverty, Racism, and Social Marginalization.


Video of Dr. Cia Verschelden's keynote is available:


The 2023 Anchoring Higher Ed Conference gathered scholars, teachers, students, researchers, and community members to share their work and insights on teaching, learning, and community engagement in the academy. It reflects our mission as an anchor institution, in and of the City of Newark, and demonstrates the university's commitment to access, transformative learning, and radical inclusion.


Sessions were themed around evidence-based instructional strategies, storytelling as pedagogy, investigating the connection between professional development and practice, first-generation students, writing, technology in the classroom, support for academic advisors, and others.


We also featured the university's Fifth Annual Three Minute Thesis competition, showcasing the research of Rutgers-Newark PhD students in engaging presentations of three minutes or less.

Access the Final Program for AHE 2023 here.

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